Sunday, December 19, 2010

Madonna and Devil

Yesterday, we took a hike with our friends Katrin and Philip and their son Ben from the town of Seewen.  It was a beautiful winter day with a mostly clear, crisp sky and lots of pure snow all around us.  These hikes that we have been sharing with you have mostly come from a book that V bought at the train station called "Wandern mit dem U-Abo".  This book showcases 25 regional hikes that can all be accessed with public transportation.  Part of the adventure, however, is translating this book from what appears to be Swiss German into English.  We think it is written in Swiss German (which is not normally a written dialect) for two reasons: 1) our German friends have a hard time reading it and 2) the online translations that we obtain are hysterical and confusing.  We thought it would be fun for you to come along on the hike, guided as we are by the silly-sounding translations.  We have edited the entry to make it shorter but we did not make any of this up.  We hope you find it as funny as we do!

Let us begin:

Madonna and Devil (Madonna und Teufel)

A very-wholesome-walking castle, balanced, refreshing and relaxing for dynamic contemporaries, not by unknown hiking areas, and yet in part to little-used paths, through light, loose forests, magnificent vistas and in a romantic Naturschutztal.

We leave the postal service car in the stop Seewen, lake valley height. 

There Welschhans (551 ms) stands the way manner.  The Seebachoder fur mill valley, with which climbers loving [Pelzi] named, is a climbing paradise.  The rock faces serve innumerable mountaineer as a übungsgelände and immense line the rough rock volumes both sides of the deeply notched valley.  

On the lake valley height, the transition of the lake stream valley on the far plateau of Seewen, stand we on an earth historical interesting ground; the many confused lying around rock chunks point it on.

Of the postal service car stop out of we march, downward to the large curve, change some meters first on the car street back there before a powerful Felsbrocken- to the right on a wide forest way, a couple steps very easily it upwards, sang always flanks downhill through a light, loose mix forest, to the rights of rock volumes.  In a deep terrain incision, far into the mountain flank buried there, reach we shortly on that a way spider and the way manners oak mountain (573 ms).  

 Here we bump into the footpath of Grellingen to the Falkenflue and to the gentleman mat, that are both our goal; the yellow rhombus is led us there.  

This Dugginger madonna is a marked, vacant rock tooth before which Falkenflue placed and a popular object for climbing friends.  Your vis-à-vis a rock pulpit, of which one enjoys an imposing outlook, stands, in clear weather until far in französiche and German countries out.  Always with the yellow rhombus, we hike aud the field way further to the way manner Falkenflue (600 ms).   

Downhill it goes now only our day goal toward Aesch, finally through a lovely nature protectorate.  The way manner and the yellow rhombus show us the way, at the restaurant past, over the terrain crest away, past also at an old boundary stone (at the left way edge), then obliquely to the right speedily downhill on a wide, rocky forest way, always straight ahead through boy growth.

A stream meanders admire itself through the meadows, in close to nature tree gardens we old, gnarled and weathered fruit trees.   

Lively hops the stream over the valley steps and obstruction steps down, schlittelt over rock stairways, forms waterfalls, pond, pond and pond.  Birds and insects most never animate hear hang the world, innumerable boxes in the trees, we and the Schmerwurz, one resemble and form rich Flora, meadow forests discover reed, water and swamp plants, bushes, shrubs and trees, a harmoniously romantic, nature left valley, before the gates of the city and the agglomerate ions.  

And then has back us suddenly the everyday life world.  And also from there we can go home make comfortably with the public transportation; the U subscription it possible. 

 Well, that is what we deal with when we use this book for hiking.  It is quite  possible that Yoda contributed the authorship of this book.   

Here's a link to more photos of this hike:
Madonna and Devil Hike

-The EuroFadoks


  1. This is classic Veronica and Jonathan Awesome Show. Great job!

  2. Just glanced through this idiotic translation. Even most machine translators do a better job that that. Oh, don't tell me that was a machine translation.
    BTW The text is high German not Swiss German and though it contains a lot of descriptive detail it is clearly written. I think your German friends only had difficulty in putting it into English.
    John in Baselland
